[PC] [Android] [PSP] PPSSPP passe en version 1.2.2
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Le célèbre et populaire émulateur PPSSPP vient d’être mis à jour par son auteur Henrik Rydgård en version 1.2.2. Le changelog est impressionnant et démontre bien la détermination du développeur dans ce projet, qui se veut être le plus complet et stable émulateur PlayStation Portable à ce jour.
Quelles sont les modifications majeures de cette version ? Eh bien, il semblerait que de nombreux problèmes graphiques aient été résolus, que le homebrew store a été amélioré et bientôt réapprovisionné, que les caractères chinois ainsi que coréens sont désormais supportés et qu’un grand nombre de bugs aient été corrigés. Rien que ça. :p
[caption id="attachment_5235" align="aligncenter" width="528"]
Lien miroir[/caption]

Lien miroir[/caption]

Site officiel[/caption]
- Went back to the old way of initializing graphics on Android. Should fix many recent issues.
- Some graphical fixes, a vertex cache performance improvement and a screen clear optimization
- Fix for dual source blending on most SHIELD devices, causing graphical issues.
- Fix the homebrew store incorrectly unzipping some games. This will lead to more games being added.
- Slightly faster ISO handling
- A bunch of stability fixes when switching apps on Android
- Updated the fonts for Chinese and Korean to cover some previously unsupported chars
- A major rework of sceAtrac audio decoding, fixing various music hangs and similar issues
- Many fixes and workarounds to depth and stencil buffer usage, and also FBO management
- Audio reverb support
- Combo keys – custom touch buttons that press multiple PSP buttons
- 5xBR upscaling on GPU (postprocessing effect)
- Fix problems with playback of video with mono audio
- Performance improvements like multithreaded audio mixing
- ARM64 JIT crash bug fixes
- GLSL shader cache to reduce stuttering ingame
- Support render-to-CLUT functionality that some games use to change colors of various monsters
- x86-64 support on Android
- Auto-hide on-screen controls after a while of no usage
- Fixes to prescale UV speedhack, now seems reliable
- Faster ISO RAM cache
- New UI for moving around the PSP display on larger screens
- Minor UI fixes like better slider controls
- Assorted stability fixes (ffmpeg crash, etc)
- Volume setting is back
- Preparations for supporting more graphics APIs
- AdHoc port offset
- Support another HD remaster (Sora no Kiseki Kai HD)
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